GP Nord Ltd
Reg. Nr:
Kurzemes prospekts 23, Rīga, LV-1067, Latvija

Category Logistics

What are Clinical Trials?

What is Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are the foundation of modern medicine, playing a pivotal role in bringing innovative treatments and therapies to patients worldwide. These trials are vital for evaluating the safety and efficacy of new drugs and medical devices before they reach…

Kā pasūtīt Latvijā nereģistrētas zāles

Latvijas zāļu tirgus ir neliels, dažkārt jaunu vai specifisku medikamenta reģistrācija mūsu valstī ražotājam nav prioritāte, dēļ reģistrācijas procedūrai patērētā laika, izmaksām un citiem resursiem, tāpēc pastāv medikamenti, kuri meklējami tikai citās valstīs. Gadījumos, kad pacients reģistrētās zāles nevar izmantot…

GP Nord operates in markets of more than 60 countries

GP Nord is a pharmaceutical wholesaler that serves customers worldwide, adapting to local regulations and customer preferences. We currently operate in the markets of more than 60 countries, and the list of countries is constantly updated. Wholeseler provide worldwide deliveries…

GP Nord: medical cargo for Covid-19 crysis in Latvia

GP Nord is located in North-East Europe, the significant advantage is a hands-on attitude to complex issues of sourcing high-quality medicinal products from validated sources throughout the EU. It allows us to supply the demanding markets of Asia, Central America,…