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Kurzemes prospekts 23, Rīga, LV-1067, Latvija

Kategorija: Ziņas

Ciemos pie pēcoperāciju apģērbu ražotāja Maam

GP Nord @ Maam Presentation Rooms

In May 2022, GP Nord team went on an exchange trip to the Romanian company Maam to learn about the possibilities, novelties and latest clothing models of postoperative compression garments. During the experience exchange trip, the experience, results and knowledge…

TIHE 2022

In April GP Nord went on a co-operation trip to the International Medical and Healthcare Exhibition in Uzbekistan – “Tashkent International Healthcare Exhibition – TIHE 2022” From April 12 to 14, at the “Tashkent International Health Care Exhibition – TIHE…

Medicīnas preces Ukrainas atbalstam

At a time when our hearts are with Ukraine, their people and heroic advocates, the donations of GP Nord staff and friends in support of Ukraine were turned into two pallets of various much-needed medical supplies sent to Lviv for…

Atbalstam RMHC Latvija un bērnus

Any kind of support is important for the operation of the RMHC Latvija Mobile Health Care Center for Children and Young People. One of the most sought after RMHC Latvija centers is the consultation of an allergist and pulmonologist, and in 2021,…

Laimīgu Jauno 2022. gadu!

GP Nord team wishes everyone a peaceful holiday and a prosperous 2022 year of growth! The year 2021 was full of challenges and challenges. On behalf of GP Nord, we would like to thank everyone who, in spite of everything,…

Rīgas pašvaldības Bērnu un jauniešu centru futbola turnīrs

No 2021. gada 7. jūlija līdz 6. augustam Rīgas pašvaldības Bērnu un jauniešu sociālās aprūpes un sociālās rehabilitācijas institūcijās dzīvojošajiem bērniem un jauniešiem notika ikgadējas savstarpējais futbola turnīrs, kurā komandas cīnījās par “sadraudzības Bumba 2021” ceļojošo kausu. Mēneša laikā Bērnu…

Atbalsts OPEN Radošajam Centram

Open Radošais Centrs

  Our CEO Toms Zeltins visited the OPEN Creative Center to deliver our support for Edijs Klaišis great initiative, which has now resulted in 11 support centers for young people from at-risk families. Here, young people from both rich and…